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Volume 3 • Number 2 (Built Environment)
Schools Section
  • Making of a Great City
    What features differentiate a good city from a great one? Renowned architect Liu Thai Ker looks at the Lion City critically
  • Assessing Total Building Performance
    A holistic approach to achieve the ultimate built environment.
  • Urban Heat Island Effect: Sinking the Heat
    Rising temperatures have become a major concern for densely built-up tropical cities. Something needs to be done, and soon, to alleviate the urban heat island effect
  • Eco-Friendly Town Design
    Greener townships and better environmental practices combine to make Singapore’s housing quality second to none
  • Better Air for Healthier Living
    Innovative developments redefine ventilation strategies to improve indoor air quality.
  • Growing Old Affordably
  • Integrating Water into the Housing Plan
    Unconventional architectural planning integrates water infrastructure and supply in residential estates
  • Viewing Property Values in 3D
  • Benchmarking for Better Building-Energy Management
    Web-based assessment and comparison show how buildings fare in terms of energy management
  • Interacting with Buildings
    Architecture professor explains why human interaction serves an important function in designing a building or a city
  • Towards Zero Landfill: Waste Minimisation and Recycling
    Singapore has adopted a waste minimisation and recycling approach aimed at environmental sustainability.
  • Safe Storage of Ammunition Underground
    Defence agency creates a new safety standard that leads to huge land savings in the development and operation of underground ammunition storage depots
  • Unlocking Road Gridlock
    Engineers are developing a simulation system to reduce traffic congestion by predicting road conditions in close to real time.
  • Outstanding Biomedical Research Wins Recognition
    NUS and NUH honor outstanding research conducted in the field of biomedicine.
  • Abstinence and Diet: The Keys to Longer Life?
    A scientist has demonstrated some unexpected factors that prolong life in the fruit fly that may well hold true for humans.
Departments Entrepreneurship Special
  • Creating a Singapore Brand of Entrepreneurial Culture
    An entrepreneurship expert gives tips on how the spirit of enterprise can be cultivated
  • Stanford Global Entrepreneurs Challenge
    What is the X factor that makes for a successful start-up company? Fifteen teams from around the world converged on Singapore to find out whether they had what it takes to be the next Microsoft or Pfizer.
  • Made-in-Singapore Entrepreneurs
    Guy Kawasaki, entrepreneur extraordinaire, talks about his pet subject
  • Replicating US Entrepreneurship in Singapore
    "What You Did NOT Learn at Harvard Business School" — it takes more than formal education to set up a business
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