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Number of Inserts   1x 2x 3x >=4x
Black & White Trim Area (mm)        
Full Page 275 x 210 $1,800 $1,620 $1,440 $1,260
1/2 Page (Vertical) 250 x 95 $1,440 $1,300 $1,150 $1,010
1/2 Page (Horizontal) 125 x 190 $1,440 $1,300 $1,150 $1,010
1/4 Page 125 x 95 $1,300 $1,170 $1,040 $910
Four Colour Trim Area (mm)        
Centre Spread 275 x 420 $4,110 $3,700 $3,290 $2,880
Full Page 275 x 210 $2,350 $2,120 $1,880 $1,650
1/2 Page (Vertical) 250 x 95 $1,990 $1,800 $1,590 $1,390
1/2 Page (Horizontal) 125 x 190 $1,990 $1,800 $1,590 $1,390
1/4 Page 120 x 95 $1,850 $1,660 $1,480 $1,290
Back Page 275 x 210 $4,230 $3,810 $3,380 $2,960
Inside Front Page 275 x 210 $3,530 $3,170 $2,820 $2,470
Inside Back Cover 275 x 210 $3,290 $2,960 $2,630 $2,300
Note: Text or illustrations not intended to bleed should be kept at least 10mm from trim edge
* All prices quoted are in Singapore Dollars.
Advertisers in Singapore are subjected to 7% Goods & Services tax.
Electronic Banner Advertisement Rates
  Button: 150(w) X 60(h) pixels
(Size - 5k)
Button: 468(w) X 60(h) pixels
(Size - 12k)
One Month
Three Months
Six Months
One Year
File Formats: GIF/JPEG at 72 dpi screen resolution
Special Position
Specified positions (including page 1 and across gutter) and bleed advertisements please add 10% to the advertisement rates.


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