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About Innovation
Volume 2 • Number 3 (Tissue Engineering)
Schools Section
  • Creating and Growing Body Parts
  • A New Perspective on Stem Cells
    Stem cells in the eye and the hair follicle hold promise for tissue culture.
  • The Art of Making Bone
    Search is on for bone-replacement material that mimics nature.
Materials Special Features
  • Extending the Life of Optical Lithography
    Fresh ideas stretch the limits of lithography into yet another generation.
  • Simple Yet Powerful Communications Circuits
    Inspiration from biological signals brings low-cost, low-power miniature devices closer to reality.
  • Yeast Gives Clue to Cell Division Process
    IMA research provides a better understanding of cell-division mechanisms.
  • Digital Albums Handle Image Overload
    DIVA ends novice users’ post-holiday blues by helping them find that elusive digital still or video image quickly.
  • Editorial
    A Year of Innovation — Message from NUS President.
  • In Brief
    Innovative highlights in various fields.
  • Viewpoint
    Chairman of Bioethics Advisory Committee stresses the importance of guidelines for life-science research.
  • Spotlight
    Professor Horst L Stormer, 1998 Nobel Prize winner in Physics, explains why materials matter to him.
  • Events Calendar
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